Submit Your Art

Submit your art for a chance to be featured in the Tracify Gallery.

Step 1: Take a photo of your submission including your Lightbox in frame of the photo. Preferably using it to backlight your art, if possible.
Step 2: Make sure your photo is 1:1 ratio and clear.
Step 3: Send it via DM to our Instagram or TikTok @tracifyofficial
Step 4: Write a short message saying "You can post this piece of my art onto your website/instagram/tiktok" and include your social media handle/website for credit.

You can also include the title of your art, background story for it, the reason why you are showcasing it, etc. And anything else you deem useful to promote or show off your art! Our staff will review your content within 2-5 business days to see if it meets our criteria for featuring. Tips to be successful in the review process in addition to the previously outlined steps:

1) Keep it PG. Please do not torture our staff. We will look because we have to, but... please. Our audience includes all ages, so please be mindful of that when submitting your art.
2) Clear photos. We will not post photos that look like they have been taken with a potato. We will still admire them, though, assuming we can see at least something
3) Must include the Lightbox. As much as we would like to post *just* your art, we all have bills to pay. Hopefully, this platform can help you pay yours as well.
4) No minors in the photo or background. Self explanatory. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. Artwork BY minors, however, is welcome!